FREE COACHING! With Our FREE 12-Week Weight Loss Challenge.

In this “Dear Healthier Me” challenge, you’ll learn how to lose weight the right way and maintain a healthier sustainable lifestyle. First and foremost, allow us to offer our congratulations! Making the decision to get healthy and lose those unwanted pounds for good takes courage and motivation. 

Nutrition coach - Vilmos Bond

You Can Win Up To $500 In Prizes Just For Improving Your Health. 

A 12-week Weight Loss Challenge That Helps You To Get Healthier & Lose Weight The Right Way

Knowing what to eat to drop fat, tone your body, and maintain your health is easy. But you can’t achieve your goals if you don’t actually eat those things consistently.

Join our 12-week challenge to build habits that support your goals and create a healthier relationship with food.

Please Give Me Access To The 12-Week Weight Loss Challange


When You Join TODAY! You Will Get Access To EVERYTHING You Need to TRANSFORM Your Health. FOR FREE!

Change Your Life In 90 Days

Dear Healthier Me is a program that challenges you to build a healthy lifestyle and teaching behavior modification to achieve permanent results.

Over the course of 12-weeks, we’ll help you build positive and healthy habits, changing your lifestyle, and improve your relationship with healthy foods.

By the end of the challenge, you will note a few differences.

First, you’d be kinder to your body.

…You’re less likely to experience weakness, exhaustion, and mental stress.

…You’ll have more energy to breeze through all your daily tasks, be more productive, and get sick less often.

And you’ll also notice that while weight loss may be slower, the results will be permanent and only get better over time.

In short, within 90 days, your life will change.

…But that’s not the end of the journey. It is only the beginning of a healthier life, a stronger body, and the best shape of your life.

Switching To A Healthier Lifestyle Is Hard. We’ll Make It Easy For You

There are countless sources of information on how to get healthier, yet most people are still struggling to get healthy and lose weight.

Why? The answer is the same for everyone.

Getting healthier has a lot more to do with action than knowledge.

You can know exactly what to eat to drop fat, build muscle, and lower your cholesterol or control your blood sugars… but you’ll still fall short of your goals if you don’t actually eat those things consistently.

That’s why 95% of dieters regain their lost weight faster than when they were trying to lose it.

…And that’s also why millions of people couldn’t commit to a healthy long-term lifestyle — although they are somehow willing to!

If you’re one of these people, Dear Healthier Me is the right solution for you.

By joining the challenge, you’re going to not only learn how to live healthily (and lose those unwanted pounds), but you’ll also learn how to build habits that will ensure you implement what you learn and stick with it to achieve permanent results.

We will simplify the process by teaching you strategies that work, helping you stay motivated, reviewing your process to make sure you’re on the right track, and answering all your questions.

Meet Your Coach!

During the program, you’ll have me as your certified nutrition coach in your corner who’ll guide you along the way, show you how to overcome your challenges, and making sure you’re always on the right track.

Vilmos Bond - Founder of Connect Circle

Vilmos Bond

Founder of Connect Circle and
Wellness Next Step

Now, in case you don’t know who I am, my name’s Vilmos Bond and I’m the founder of Connect Circle.

Health is not only about eating healthy and exercising. It’s also about feeling positive and confident in your journey. My Bio-psycho-social approach is essential because an optimal health includes your mind, body, and surroundings. Getting healthy is not something women should dread or "suffer through;" getting healthy should make you feel good about yourself. 

So my personal mission is to help women, like yourself, break free from the “blocks” that stop you from creating a healthier lifestyle and achieving your health goals. You deserve good help and a peace of mind.

Become Part Of A Community
That Supports Each Other

By joining this challenge, you will have lifetime access to our new growing health lifestyle community. You will be able to connect with other moms and cheer each other on.

Plus, you can also ask questions or tips to address a specific challenge to other members.

Your coaches will also active in the community, answering questions and providing tips and support to everyone in the group.

Just imagine getting answers from other people who’ve successfully beat the same challenges… and from experts who understand how to address the challenges.

Wouldn’t that be great?

Now, Let’s See How The Challenge Works…

First of all, you should know that the challenge is NOT against others. 

Instead, you’ll be challenging yourself to break through all the obstacles, develop new habits, and stay committed to your goals.

To do that we will focus on your healthy lifestyle, teaching behavior modification based on a four-pronged approach to permanent results:

  • Eating foods to assist your body to lose fat and help maintain your blood sugar and metabolism
  • Body fat loss and preserving lean muscle
  • Improving your healthy habits
  • Knowledge is power; learn how to eat for lasting weight loss results

Over the course of 90 days, you’ll learn…

  • Goals setting strategy that will help you to achieve success faster, while also keeping yourself motivated throughout your health journey.
  • Detoxing the Body so that you’ll not only look healthy but also feel healthier every day!
  • Creating Healthy Habits to create permanent results that you keep for the rest of life… and will only get better over time!
  • Meal plans that work regardless of your food preferences and schedule
  • Overcome negative beliefs, break out of your comfort zone, and start to have confidence in yourself that you can achieve your goals even if you’ve failed many times before.
  • Managing stress so that your health journey won’t feel hard… but interesting and easy. So that you have fun in achieving your goals!
  • Reflecting back to identify mistakes, correct the mistakes, and making sure you’re always on the right track.
  • Writing down your success story to celebrate your success and supporting others moms who are just getting started and those who get stuck.

Now, You Might Be Wondering...

“What in the -H.E Double Hockey Sticks - got into Vilmos to make him spend all of this time and money and then offer the Community membership… for free?! NOW 12-Week Weight Loss Challenge Free TOO

Well, there’s no point in sugar-coating it...

It is quite simply, TWO things! Your will help me find tune this healthy lifestyle program, and I want you to stop throwing the weight loss boomerang and START

Live the Healthy lifestyle!

Vilmos Bond - Nutrition Coach at Connect Circle
Healthy Lifestyles image

Absolutely FREE!

Yep, it’s true.

And if you’re still wondering if this is right for you, I want to make this crystal clear...

  • It doesn’t matter if this is your first time trying to lose weight  that’s ok...
  • It doesn’t matter if you lost weight already but you just need motivation to stay on track… (this is actually a good thing, and you’ll see why in a sec...)
  • It doesn’t matter if you feel you don’t have all of the resources... (again, In this community you will get the tools you need)
  • It doesn’t matter if you’ve never written a single word in a Journal or spoken to a nutrition coach….
  • And it DEFINITELY doesn’t matter if you’ve done a few different diet programs in the past and now you’re frustrated because you still can’t keep the weight off (it’s ok, now that you know what you don’t want, you’re already way ahead of the game).

In just a moment, I’m going to “demystify” everything you’ve been told about losing weight and keeping it off with just one word...

As well as show you, step-by-step, how this healthy lifestyle community was designed for women with the struggles and frustration just like you. You will learn how to focus without second-guessing yourself... getting “lost” or stuck...

And without dealing with the dreaded “analysis paralysis” (which we all do, but I’ll show you my sneaky tactic that can DESTROY those awful feelings in seconds).

If you’re here right now, I know it’s because of one of two reasons:

  • Reason #1— you know there’s a better way to lose weight and get healthier.. because everything else you’ve tried in the past left you frustrated. You spent much time counting calories and follow workout plans left you with little or no time to enjoy life. So this program will give you the time freedom to enjoy life while feeling great …..

    But maybe you haven’t joined yet because you still think you’re still “strategizing a plan”...

    You’re sitting back trying to make sure you have all the right dos and don’t BEFORE starting this lifestyle journey.

    But really... the truth is... you may feel just a tad bit “silly” about the idea of joining a lifestyle focus program…. when other diets failed you, or worried about what others will think of you trying to lose weight again….
  • Reason #2 — you tried following a well known weight loss program like Atkins or weight watchers….and even had a weight loss consultant with weekly coaching… but for whatever reason... it just didn’t “pan-out” as you would have hoped...

    Maybe you even invested countless hours... and paid for expensive meal packages…you  POURED EVERYTHING YOU HAD into making it successful this time. It all fell apart when you couldn’t continue buying the expensive meals anymore. The idea of going back and trying again churns all those feelings of failure like dropping an anxiety bomb in your gut...

Listen, You Are Absolutely Not Alone.

Weight Loss Stuff Can Be... 

Get the support you need for the healthy lifestyle you want!

What You’ll Get When You Join The 90-Day Challenge

  1.  Learn all the practical tips and real-world strategies to get healthier and lose weight in the right way.
  2. Work with two certified coaches who care about you and provide support in every way possible.
  3. Become part of our new growing health lifestyle community to connect with other moms who are on the same journey, access timely advice and moral support if you get stuck (You’ll probably end up with a few great friends, too)
  4. Gain access to 100 healthy recipes and nutrition forum discussions to discover more things about healthy eating and make your new healthy eating habit to never feel bored.

What’s The Cost Of Joining This Challenge?

Let’s do a quick comparison – to get the same level of knowledge and support, the only available option is to hire me as your personal coach.

It could run you between $200-$400 per month. 

Should you join the challenge, you will receive access to 12-week weight loss challenge plus me as your coach for the 12 weeks. 

The regular cost is just $458.

Plus I will giveaway up to $500 in prizes just for improving your health.

However, since you’ve read this far, we know that you have a strong interest in joining the challenge so that should not be a problem for you.


Please Give Me Access To The 12-Week Weight Loss Challange


Our goal is to help you improve your health and create a healthy sustainable lifestyle in a positive space with other women who are on the same boat. We’re ready to give you the best tips and strategies. However, even million-dollar advice is useless if no action is taken.

So what do you say? Ready to take the first step to your health journey?

If so, click the button above to get a sneak peek of the challenge today:

Take a look Behind the scene

In this community everyone is sharing health, wellness, and self-development tips that work for them and their friends. You can discuss, ask any questions, and feel supported by friends and experts who understand you. It’s a safe place from distractions and the toxicity of social media. No hate, no trolls. Just a healthy community for women to thrive.

Stay Connected

Members can share their daily updates on the activity feed. Our goal is to keep it fun, motivating and inspiring to others. By joining the Dear Healthier Me 12-week weight loss challenge, you will be apart of the wellness group. You will gain access to 100 healthy recipes, downloadable worksheets and nutrition forum discussions to discover more things about healthy eating. We make sure your new healthy eating habits will never feel boring again.

weight loss challenge

Our free comprehensive weight-loss challenge that’s built for real-life situations. It’s simple, easy to follow, and more importantly, it works! Weekly topics:

Goal Setting
Body Detoxification
Healthy Habits
Meal Planning
Believing in Yourself
Managing Stress
Reflecting Back
Living the Lifestyle

What's Better Then Getting Rewarded For Achieving A Healthier You?

We partner with a fashion contemporary brand call UtonMarie to bring you some of their fall merchandise. We also partner with the leading science-based product company. 

Register to Connect Circle, interact with others and follow the challenge you can earn points that leads to free stuff. 


Please Give Me Access To The 12-Week Weight Loss Challange

Register now - registering

Oh No! You’re About To Miss Out…

The give aways for the early-bird spots are very limited, and we have a deadline to officially launch Connect Circle. At this moment, we're in beta testing so your feedback is very important to the improvement of our community.

If you're looking for a community to support your healthy lifestyle than Connect Circle is the community for you. Make sure you register now before the early bird promotion is over!

Connect Circle

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